
I'm Kevin Wang

An Intern Developer

cloud2 mountain


I am a Computer Science Student studying at ANU, graduated from University of Melbourne. I did my Internship at Mojexa Mojexa ShowCase (Click here to look at the showcase, the product I'm working in) I   ❤️ working out and coding

My Hobbies.

Work out

Fitness is part of my life. I do weightlifting training 5 times a week. Last year I lost 20kg of weight. Welcome to train with me at the gym!


Hands-on Web-app development experience
Java, React(Front-end) and Python dev experience
Web scraping and crawling bot experience
Excellent team player and multi-tasker

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Skills & Experience gained from Internship

Frontend Angular framework
Backend NodeJs framework
AWS serverless Component
Updated old code bases to modern development standards, improving functionality.
Collaborated with project managers to select ambitious, but realistic coding milestones on pre-release software project development.
Developed and maintained web applications following specifications provided.

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